ABM is a significant endeavor, as many marketers who have launched pilot programmes will attest to. It entails, among other things, utilising data to get account insights, utilising paid media to carry out contact discovery, and prioritising cross-channel interaction.
But if there's one thing you absolutely must have for your ABM strategy to succeed, it's a revenue team. This should be a team made up of sales, marketing, and other industry experts who frequently communicate with potential clients and customers in order to produce dependable, valuable experiences.
Modern marketing is all about providing amazing experiences throughout a prospect's or customer's lifetime and across the buyer's journey.
Additionally, by creating superior experiences that convert prospects into customers and existing customers into fervent brand ambassadors, you may establish a strong revenue team.

Here are three excellent suggestions to support your ABM approach and assist you in creating a revenue team:
Concur on all points up front
Any relationship's most crucial component is communication. Make your expectations and boundaries clear from the outset when attempting to connect sales and marketing.
Gather your stakeholders to decide the game's rules before you take any action: What constitutes a lead? How is account engagement determined? How do you disseminate knowledge? Where should you put your money?
If you establish these rules early on, it will be lot simpler to get your formerly diverse departments moving in the same direction.
Make sure handovers are fluid and ongoing
Sales and marketing are no longer located on different sides of the dancehall. They are dancing partners instead. But how do you select the leader?
The traditional model of business, where marketing generates interest, transfers leads to sales, and sales then closes deals, is no longer applicable. Today's prospects swing back and forth between various funnel levels.
As a result, your sales and marketing departments must become used to exchanging roles fluidly and come to an agreement on who is in charge of the relationship at any given time. You must provide every member of your revenue team clear visibility of the whole client experience in order to make this easier. Of course, you need high-quality data for that to occur.
Upgrade Your Data Game And Consolidate Your Tech
You must make sure your data is precise, current, and flawlessly connected if you want your marketing and sales teams to function as a genuinely powerful and productive revenue team.
By using a shared database that incorporates information on sales and marketing activity, your revenue team should have everyone on the same page from the start. A client data platform is essential, but you also need unified data to give customers a complete picture so they can make informed decisions. You must inform each department of the meaning of your data in order to get the most out of your unified data repository.
Make sure marketing has a thorough understanding of the way sales uses data to close deals. And make sure that sales is aware of how marketing gauges scoring, qualifying, acquisition, and awareness.
Joint Pipeline Shared Obligation. Shared Achievement
It is obsolete and unworkable to have sales and marketing departments possess distinct revenue streams. Without sales, marketing can never effectively drive revenue. Additionally, selling without marketing assistance is extremely difficult despite being possible.
These two divisions have depended on one another continuously. You are enabling them to execute to the best of their abilities by uniting them as a single revenue team.
Additionally, don't feel compelled to assemble your team entirely from sales and marketing personnel. The experiences you offer prospects and customers can only be improved by incorporating support, development, and other siloed divisions.